The Optimist

Last week I blogged about being an Optimist. This week, I want to share a speech I gave yesterday on the same topic, featuring two examples from the past week. Funny how, when you think about a subject or a point of view, your subconscious finds examples in everyday life. This must be some kind…

Am I an Optimist?

What do you think of when you think of an optimist? Probably since I first heard the story of Pollyanna, I thought it meant someone who was Pollyanna-ish, being foolishly or blindly optimistic. And that is definitely not me. But a few weeks ago, I heard something that made me re-think my position and I…

New Choice

I want to apologize in advance to all the divorce attorney’s who read this blog. I just found the cure for divorce. Or at least reduce the number of broken relationships. But first, a little background. At my Improv class this past week, we played a game called New Choice. Two improv performers create a…

You Never Know

You never know what will happen when you share your thoughts with others. A few days ago, I received a Facebook message from a friend. Hi Walt, I was reading my “Advantages”* magazine and there was an article by you! The editor even spoke about you in her article. Congratulations! Whoa! Someone, that I recently…