It’s A Big Week

In December, I attended a retirement party for a former co-worker. I asked her, “What are your plans for retirement?” She immediately said, “I have a few things I want to do, but I am not going to be crazy busy, like you!” My new motto is “Living the Dream!” And when you live your…

Lady and the Champs – Part III

Last week, in part II, I shared fifteen specific take-aways from the Lady and the Champs speakers conference (and the EDGE members-only summit, which was held the day before). Today, I will share more specific take-aways from the conference: You don’t give a speech, you deliver a speech. Have interesting conversations with successful people Record…

Just Show Up

One of my mentors, Craig Duswalt, preaches “Just show up!” Today, I attended a Toastmasters meeting and the engaging storyteller, Margaret Mitchell, talked about the power of just showing up. She shared three stories from her life where the act of showing up led to success: She applied for a job at JC Penney and…

Finding Stories

In high school, the in-class assignment that I dreaded the most was essay writing. If we were given a specific writing assignment, I could usually complete it easily in the time allotted. BUT, when the assignment was either too general or entirely open ended (you know, write about whatever you want), I struggled. It would…