Toni Caruso has had over 30 years experience in marketing and public relations. Sometimes, she works behind the scenes to make her events run smoothly. Other times, she is out in front, educating professionals to run a successful eWomenNetwork Chapter. Toni does it all with integrity, honesty, and professionalism.

Toni has worked in the entertainment field with celebrity management firms, talent management agencies, video production companies. She has personally produced several national commercials.

Toni has worked in the corporate world as well. She has been a marketing and public relations manager for a large healthcare company and a private bank. Her genius at each job was event production, logistics and organization skills.

She has produced intimate business lunches with high-worth individuals, educational seminars, shareholders meetings, off-site retreats and team building, movie screenings, business launches and company picnics for over 5,000 guests. Each event was different in size and scope. But they all had one basic formula for success. Now, Toni shares her knowledge with business professionals. She helps them to educate, inform and share their life experiences live on stage. Her mission is to produce live signature events that are exciting, engaging, unique and informative. Events where business professionals at all levels can connect, collaborate and learn tools to move their business forward. An experience where they walk in with a dream and walk out knowing how to make that dream a reality. She shows small business owners and entrepreneurs the importance of sharing their stories live on stage. This is the fastest way to build and grow their community.

Toni is also an expert networker. She believes you are never too old to learn a new skill. The art of the deal is no longer just making a sale. It is building relationships.

She helps professionals put their best foot forward with current clients and potential customers. From the front desk to the executive boardroom, a first impression can make or break any negotiation, no matter the size.

You can visit Toni at

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