I had the good fortune at my Mastermind meeting last week to hear Larry Broughton share 5 tips for being a successful entrepreneur. Larry is an award-winning entrepreneur & CEO, best-selling author, and keynote speaker.
The five tips he shared made sense to me and I want to share them with you.
- Remove negative chatter. If you have people in your life who tell you that you are crazy to follow your dreams, replace them — with people who support and encourage you. And, if you use negative self-talk, STOP IT!
- Focus on your strengths. Do what you do well. Delegate what you do not do well to others, who can do it better and faster than you can.
- Take rapid action. When you make a decision, act on it immediately. Don’t wait. If you wait, you may begin to doubt yourself or worse, someone may come up with a similar idea and beat you to the punch.
- Accept and embrace failure. Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Larry says, “Fail often and early.”
- Never, never, never quit. If you quit short of your goal, you will never get there. Often, the breakthroughs come right after the hardest part of the journey. Be persistent. Napoleon Hill, in his book Think and Grow Rich, cites persistence as one of the Thirteen Steps to Riches.
The concepts are simple. To be strong and to have the integrity to follow these concepts in those moments of truth, maybe not so much. But if it were simple, anyone could do it. Follow these tips and rise above the crowd.