Do you want to learn how to find and fulfill your purpose? Then listen this week to Colin Bird.
Colin Bird is an actor, screenwriter, author and motivational speaker. After losing over 300lbs by becoming an Ultra-Marathoner, Bird holds multiple World Records for Endurance Running, utilizing that platform to inspire global audiences to achieve their dreams. Being obese and balding by the age of 12, and losing both parents tragically, Bird gravitated toward healing hearts as a Nursing Home Chaplain in the Midwest, then bodies as Fitness Coach in Hollywood, ultimately transforming his own existence into living his dream life of film acting, writing and public speaking. Bird’s POWER OF WORDS presentations take on an Anti-Bullying Initiative, Healthy Lifestyles/Fitness and Grief Support, while traveling and speaking for the first book in his “My Father’s Chair” trilogy, “DEATH: WHAT NOT TO SAY.” Colin Bird has a passion and a purpose, both positively directed at the hearts of those awaiting healing through inspiration. He resides in Los Angeles, CA.